Competition Rules
Competition Format
1. Live Question-and-Answer session (20 min)
2. Written Quiz (20 min)
Short answer questions
Multiple choice questions
3. Neuroanatomy & Neurohistology section (10 min)
Students will be asked to:
Identify structures of the brain
Name the primary function of that structure or network
Name the type of information relayed to and from the structure
4. Patient Diagnosis section (10 min)
Students will be asked to:
diagnose a patient based on a role play between a patient and a health care professional
General Competition Rules
1. No recording devices can be used at the competition during the question-and-answer period.
2. A minimum of 3 different high schools are required for the competition.
3. No registration fees will be collected from participants.
4. A student can compete in only one local Brain Bee per year.
5. A student can compete in their respective National Competition only once (i.e. USA National Competition for our chapter).
6. Questions will be based on Brain Facts and/or Neuroscience: Science of the Brain books. In the event of a tie, questions from other resources may be used to select the winner.
7. Sponsors of the event do not have any editorial control or veto power over the program or the competition.
8. In the event that the first place winner cannot travel to the National competition, the second place winner will be eligible for participation as the Oklahoma Brain Bee champion.
9. USA National Brain Bee competitors must be 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19 years of age at the time of the competition.
Specific Competition Rules for Oklahoma Local Brain Bee
1. Live Question-and-Answer format is a requirement.
2. Questions must be answered within the time limit specified.
3. Answers will not be accepted after the timer beeps.
4. Students will not be allowed to defend their answer after the response time is over.
5. Students must answer their questions with the complete details and not the abbreviated form. For e.g. Norepinephrine is acceptable but NE is not a complete answer.
It is recommended to put both the Abbreviation as well as the full name where applicable.
6. Local competitors must be 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 years of age at the time of the competition.
7. English is the language of the Brain Bee.
Competition Prizes
- Registration and Participation costs to attend the USA National Brain Bee competition held virtually at the University of Maryland, Baltimore on April 9, 2022.
- Trophy for the student to take home
- Trophy for the student's high school to display
- $100 Gift card
- First place award certificate
- Bouquet of flowers
- $50 Gift card
- Second place award certificate
- $ 25 Gift card
- Third place award certificate
All participants will receive certificates of participation.
Dress Code
The dress code for the Oklahoma Brain Bee is casual attire that is suitable for a workplace that will allow participants to appear in a neat and clean appearance for the contest.
Participants are free to wear and show their school spiritwear.
Clothing should not be revealing clothes that show the midriff, chest or thigh areas.
Clothes should not have any offensive language or language that may deemed offensive.